9. Clustering

The starter code can be found in k_means/k_means_cluster.py, which reads in the email + financial (E+F) dataset and gets us ready for clustering. You'll start with performing k-means based on just two financial features--take a look at the code, and determine which features the code uses for clustering.

Run the code, which will create a scatterplot of the data. Think a little bit about what clusters you would expect to arise if 2 clusters are created.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

    Skeleton code for k-means clustering mini-project.
import pickle
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
from feature_format import featureFormat, targetFeatureSplit

def Draw(pred, features, poi, mark_poi=False, name="image.png", f1_name="feature 1", f2_name="feature 2"):
    """ some plotting code designed to help you visualize your clusters """

    ### plot each cluster with a different color--add more colors for
    ### drawing more than five clusters
    colors = ["b", "c", "k", "m", "g"]
    for ii, pp in enumerate(pred):
        plt.scatter(features[ii][0], features[ii][1], color = colors[pred[ii]])

    ### if you like, place red stars over points that are POIs (just for funsies)
    if mark_poi:
        for ii, pp in enumerate(pred):
            if poi[ii]:
                plt.scatter(features[ii][0], features[ii][1], color="r", marker="*")

### load in the dict of dicts containing all the data on each person in the dataset
data_dict = pickle.load( open("../17. Final Project/final_project_dataset.pkl", "r") )
### there's an outlier--remove it! 
data_dict.pop("TOTAL", 0)

### the input features we want to use 
### can be any key in the person-level dictionary (salary, director_fees, etc.) 
feature_1 = "salary"
feature_2 = "exercised_stock_options"
poi  = "poi"
features_list = [poi, feature_1, feature_2]
data = featureFormat(data_dict, features_list )
poi, finance_features = targetFeatureSplit( data )

### in the "clustering with 3 features" part of the mini-project,
### you'll want to change this line to 
### for f1, f2, _ in finance_features:
### (as it's currently written, the line below assumes 2 features)
for f1, f2 in finance_features:
    plt.scatter( f1, f2 )

### cluster here; create predictions of the cluster labels
### for the data and store them to a list called pred

### rename the "name" parameter when you change the number of features
### so that the figure gets saved to a different file
    Draw(pred, finance_features, poi, mark_poi=False, name="clusters.pdf", f1_name=feature_1, f2_name=feature_2)
except NameError:
    print "no predictions object named pred found, no clusters to plot"
no predictions object named pred found, no clusters to plot

What features will your clustering algorithms use?

Above code uses salary and exercised_stock_options

Deploy clustering
Scikit: here

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline

    Skeleton code for k-means clustering mini-project.
import pickle
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
from feature_format import featureFormat, targetFeatureSplit

def Draw(pred, features, poi, mark_poi=False, name="image.png", f1_name="feature 1", f2_name="feature 2"):
    """ some plotting code designed to help you visualize your clusters """

    ### plot each cluster with a different color--add more colors for
    ### drawing more than five clusters
    colors = ["b", "c", "k", "m", "g"]
    for ii, pp in enumerate(pred):
        plt.scatter(features[ii][0], features[ii][1], color = colors[pred[ii]])

    ### if you like, place red stars over points that are POIs (just for funsies)
    if mark_poi:
        for ii, pp in enumerate(pred):
            if poi[ii]:
                plt.scatter(features[ii][0], features[ii][1], color="r", marker="*")

### load in the dict of dicts containing all the data on each person in the dataset
data_dict = pickle.load( open("../17. Final Project/final_project_dataset.pkl", "r") )
### there's an outlier--remove it! 
data_dict.pop("TOTAL", 0)

### the input features we want to use 
### can be any key in the person-level dictionary (salary, director_fees, etc.) 
feature_1 = "salary"
feature_2 = "exercised_stock_options"
poi  = "poi"
features_list = [poi, feature_1, feature_2]
data = featureFormat(data_dict, features_list )
poi, finance_features = targetFeatureSplit( data )

### in the "clustering with 3 features" part of the mini-project,
### you'll want to change this line to 
### for f1, f2, _ in finance_features:
### (as it's currently written, the line below assumes 2 features)
for f1, f2 in finance_features:
    plt.scatter( f1, f2 )

### cluster here; create predictions of the cluster labels
### for the data and store them to a list called pred
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=0).fit(finance_features)
pred = kmeans.predict(finance_features)

### rename the "name" parameter when you change the number of features
### so that the figure gets saved to a different file
    Draw(pred, finance_features, poi, mark_poi=False, name="clusters.pdf", f1_name=feature_1, f2_name=feature_2)
except NameError:
    print "no predictions object named pred found, no clusters to plot"

After I see the clustering, it makes some sense. It kinda shows certain outliers ;)

Clustering with 3 Features

Add a third feature to features_list, 'total_payments". Now rerun clustering, using 3 input features instead of 2 (obviously we can still only visualize the original 2 dimensions). Compare the plot with the clusterings to the one you obtained with 2 input features. Do any points switch clusters? How many? This new clustering, using 3 features, couldn't have been guessed by eye--it was the k-means algorithm that identified it.

(You'll need to change the code that makes the scatterplot to accommodate 3 features instead of 2, see the comments in the starter code for instructions on how to do this.)

In [3]:
%matplotlib inline

    Skeleton code for k-means clustering mini-project.
import pickle
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
from feature_format import featureFormat, targetFeatureSplit

def Draw(pred, features, poi, mark_poi=False, name="image.png", f1_name="feature 1", f2_name="feature 2"):
    """ some plotting code designed to help you visualize your clusters """

    ### plot each cluster with a different color--add more colors for
    ### drawing more than five clusters
    colors = ["b", "c", "k", "m", "g"]
    for ii, pp in enumerate(pred):
        plt.scatter(features[ii][0], features[ii][1], color = colors[pred[ii]])

    ### if you like, place red stars over points that are POIs (just for funsies)
    if mark_poi:
        for ii, pp in enumerate(pred):
            if poi[ii]:
                plt.scatter(features[ii][0], features[ii][1], color="r", marker="*")

### load in the dict of dicts containing all the data on each person in the dataset
data_dict = pickle.load( open("../17. Final Project/final_project_dataset.pkl", "r") )
### there's an outlier--remove it! 
data_dict.pop("TOTAL", 0)

### the input features we want to use 
### can be any key in the person-level dictionary (salary, director_fees, etc.) 
feature_1 = "salary"
feature_2 = "exercised_stock_options"
feature_3 = "total_payments"
poi  = "poi"
features_list = [poi, feature_1, feature_2, feature_3]
data = featureFormat(data_dict, features_list )
poi, finance_features = targetFeatureSplit( data )

### in the "clustering with 3 features" part of the mini-project,
### you'll want to change this line to 
### for f1, f2, _ in finance_features:
### (as it's currently written, the line below assumes 2 features)
for f1, f2, _ in finance_features:
    plt.scatter( f1, f2 )

### cluster here; create predictions of the cluster labels
### for the data and store them to a list called pred
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=0).fit(finance_features)
pred = kmeans.predict(finance_features)

### rename the "name" parameter when you change the number of features
### so that the figure gets saved to a different file
    Draw(pred, finance_features, poi, mark_poi=False, name="clusters.pdf", f1_name=feature_1, f2_name=feature_2)
except NameError:
    print "no predictions object named pred found, no clusters to plot"

Now 4 points reclustered. Only one outlier in 2nd cluster..
Visualizing in 3D could give us a hint, why that outlier was outlier.

In [4]:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

fig,ax = plt.subplots()
ax = Axes3D(fig, rect=[0, 0, 1, 1], elev=30, azim=120)
for f1, f2, f3 in finance_features:
    ax.scatter( f1, f2, f3)

What are the maximum and minimum values taken by the 'exercised_stock_options' feature used in this example?

(NB: if you look at finance_features, there are some "NaN" values that have been cleaned away and replaced with zeroes--so while those might look like the minima, it's a bit deceptive because they're more like points for which we don't have information, and just have to put in a number. So for this question, go back to data_dict and look for the maximum and minimum numbers that show up there, ignoring all the "NaN" entries.)

In [5]:
eso_list = []
for k,v in data_dict.iteritems():
    eso = v['exercised_stock_options']
    if eso != 'NaN':
print max(eso_list)
print min(eso_list)

What are the maximum and minimum values taken by 'salary'?

In [6]:
sal_list = []
for k,v in data_dict.iteritems():
    sal = v['salary']
    if sal != 'NaN':
print max(sal_list)
print min(sal_list)